Task: Our primary challenge in this project was to revitalize the identity of an established brand maintaining its core essence while contemporizing its design and positioning. The goal was to craft a new visual identity that not only preserved the brand’s inherent qualities but also seamlessly transitioned it into the modern digital landscape. This involved the crucial task of conveying the brand’s distinctive attributes while ensuring its relevance in today’s digital era. Balancing tradition with innovation, our aim was to create a visual language that honored the brand’s heritage while propelling it forward into a dynamic, contemporary context.​​​​​​​

Approach: The original brand featuring a camel under a tree was rooted in the owner’s fascination with camels and their distinctive traits. To seamlessly blend tradition with the digital era, extensive research on the camel’s characteristics such as its speed and endurance shaped our design direction for the updated identity. Drawing inspiration from Michael Jordan’s iconic Jump-man 23 and the Flying Bison from ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender,’ we infused these elements to craft an identity that embodies the essence of Sheik Lines’ values. Our approach centered on leveraging the camel’s attributes to encapsulate the core values of Agility, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Adaptability, and Global Reach. The resulting logo, depicting a jumping or flying camel, serves as a dynamic symbol that powerfully communicates the company’s ethos. This symbol embodies the spirit of agility and strength, effectively representing Sheik Lines’ identity and its commitment to these fundamental values.

To enhance the website, we conducted an audit to pinpoint existing issues and strategically guide our objectives. Our exploration involved posing pivotal questions: Does the website effectively communicate the organization’s purpose? Is the hero image an accurate portrayal of the organization’s essence? Are users able to access necessary information seamlessly? Is the navigation system intuitive and user-friendly? To address these queries comprehensively, we undertook a series of methodologies including Competitive Analysis, Information Architecture (IA) Audit, Navigation Sitemap & Card Sorting, User Surveys, Prototype & UI Design, and Design Research. These approaches were instrumental in evaluating the website’s performance, gathering user insights, and ultimately informing our strategic improvements.